
Payment of salary in Turkey

Paying an employee’s salary in Turkey requires careful attention to local regulations and procedures.

In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of how to pay a salary in Turkey, including calculating taxes and social security contributions, preparing pay slips, and making payments to employees.

Calculating Taxes and Social Security Contributions

The first step in paying a salary in Turkey is to calculate taxes and social security contributions. Employers must deduct income tax, social security contributions, and other statutory deductions from the employee’s gross salary before paying it.

The amount of income tax deducted depends on the employee’s salary, tax status, and other factors. Employers can use the tax tables provided by the Turkish Revenue Administration to calculate the correct amount of income tax to deduct.

Social security contributions are also deducted from the employee’s salary. The employer must pay an additional contribution to the social security institution (SGK) on behalf of the employee. The amount of the contribution depends on the employee’s salary and other factors, such as age and gender.

Other statutory deductions may include contributions to a pension scheme or a union membership fee. The employer must ensure that all statutory deductions are calculated correctly and deducted from the employee’s salary.

Preparing Pay Slips

The second step in paying a salary in Turkey is to prepare pay slips. Pay slips must be provided to employees each month, either in hard copy or electronically. The pay slip must include the following information:

– The employee’s name and address

– The employer’s name and address

– The pay period

– The gross salary

– The amount of taxes and other deductions

– The net salary

– The amount of any bonuses or allowances

– The employer’s SGK number

– The employee’s SGK number

The pay slip must be in Turkish and include all the necessary information. Employers should keep a copy of the pay slip for their records.

Making Payments to Employees

The third step in paying a salary in Turkey is to make payments to employees. Employers must pay employees at least once a month, and the payment must be made in Turkish Lira (TRY). Employers may choose to pay salaries by bank transfer or in cash.

If paying salaries by bank transfer, the employer must provide the employee’s bank account details and ensure that the payment is made on or before the due date. If paying salaries in cash, the employer must provide a signed receipt to the employee.

Employers must also keep records of all salary payments, including the date of payment, the amount paid, and the payment method. These records must be kept for at least ten years.


In conclusion, paying a salary in Turkey requires careful attention to local regulations and procedures. Employers must calculate taxes and social security contributions, prepare pay slips, and make payments to employees in a timely and accurate manner. Failure to comply with local regulations may result in penalties and legal issues. Employers may choose to outsource their payroll to a professional payroll provider to ensure compliance with Turkish regulations.