Umbrella Company in Turkey : Pays wages & Recruitment

The Umbrella Company in Turkey « Kan-Filiate » service provided by Azkan Group, is the best way for international companies to set up in Turkey without having to create a legal entity.

The Umbrella Company Turkey pays wages, social security and employer contributions, and handles all legal and accounting aspects of the employee’s recruitment. Azkan Group also offers Recruitment Turkey solutions.

Running a business in your own country is already quite a task, and definitely requires you and your staff to be on top of things at all times.

We are also offering Recruitment in Turkey services.

For this reason, when it comes to setting up supplementary activities abroad, dealing with the entire process all over again may seem daunting in a country where different legal requirements apply.

From the get-go, our umbrella company in Turkey is here not only to ensure everything is done according to your own personal requirements, but that every aspect of your business activity in Turkey is compliant with local regulations.

Understand an Umbrella Company in Turkey​

Putting our umbrella company in Turkey in charge of your affairs is an efficient way to get set up without the additional hassle of having to create an entirely new branch for your business. Your operations can begin incredibly quickly because every legal aspect of running a business in Turkey has already been addressed. Our umbrella company in Turkey can hire your employees and handle payroll, provide a flexible solution to accommodate a peak of activity, and take on all administrative tasks so that your activities remain compliant with Turkish law.

Without having your own legal entity in Turkey, you are free to pursue your business ventures regardless of their scale and to take fewer risks if you decide to experiment with a new business model.

For consultants, our umbrella company in Turkey provides a safe structure enabling them to focus on marketing their skills and other tasks. All of this is possible, while retaining the security of a regular salary.


Perfectly suitable for long or short term arrangements, our umbrella company in Turkey offers services that benefit both the company in need of an employee, and the consultant looking to offer their skills to a client in a different country.

On our side, the strict recruitment process ensures you always get the best collaborators Turkey has to offer. Our umbrella company in Turkey takes care of everything from recruitment to payroll, and all other administrative matters.

The importance of umbrella companies for contractors in Turkey

A bonus for international companies wishing to increase their profitability in this area.

The main advantages of this service:

payroll services

Umbrella Company Turkey is a triangular relationship between three actors: the consultant, the umbrella company, and the client company. This relationship of interdependence enables the consultant, previously hired by the umbrella company, to carry out work corresponding to his/her expertise for clients of his/her choice.

In return, the consultant receives a salary, paid by the umbrella company. The latter also deals with the management of administrative obligations and provides daily support to help develop the business.

To be able to start working under an umbrella company, the consultant must first find a job corresponding to his/her qualification. He/she then contacts the umbrella company to indicate his desire to host his/her business.

Initially, the consultant signs a payroll agreement, provided that it corresponds to the desired profile. This document sets out the hosting arrangements and formalises commitments vis-à-vis the umbrella company, and vice versa.

Azkan Group Umbrella Turkey

The signing of the employment contract (or contract of payroll) enables the salaried employee to accept their first job and to sign a service contract with their client. The contract outlines the application of rights and obligations for both the employer and the employee carried.

Our aim is to assist you and your employee, and we always offer adapted solutions to your expectations and needs.

We offer support right up to the completion of your project since we view our relationship as a long term partnership, so we take care of our workers, assuring their progress in the company.

AZKAN Group Payroll Turkey is the solution for your business activity.

We are used to working with international companies wishing to develop their activity in Turkey without setting up a limited company.

If it’s your first experience with the Turkish market, avoid risks by choosing the AZKAN Group Payroll option.

By using this option, you can avoid responsibility and legal duties, and the registration of your employee will be faster and easier.

The focus on umbrella company services in Turkey

Umbrella company services in Turkey primarily cater to foreign companies or individuals seeking to operate within the country without establishing a legal entity. These services offer a practical solution by providing a ready-made infrastructure for conducting business activities, including handling payroll, taxation, legal compliance, and administrative tasks. By partnering with an umbrella company, clients can navigate through the complexities of Turkish regulations and bureaucracy, thus saving time and resources.

Additionally, these services offer flexibility, allowing clients to focus on their core business activities while leaving the administrative burdens to the umbrella company. Moreover, umbrella companies often provide expertise in local market conditions and cultural nuances, offering invaluable support to foreign entities entering the Turkish market. Overall, the focus on umbrella company services in Turkey reflects the growing demand for streamlined and efficient solutions for international businesses aiming to establish a presence in the country.

The focus on umbrella company services in Turkey

Choosing an umbrella company in Turkey offers numerous benefits for individuals or businesses seeking to operate in the country. Firstly, it provides a quick and efficient way to establish a presence without the need for setting up a legal entity, saving time and resources. Additionally, umbrella companies handle various administrative tasks such as payroll, taxation, and compliance with local regulations, relieving clients of bureaucratic burdens. This allows them to focus on their core activities and business objectives. Moreover, umbrella companies typically possess expertise in Turkish market conditions and cultural nuances, offering valuable insights and support to navigate the local business landscape successfully. Furthermore, partnering with an umbrella company provides flexibility, enabling clients to scale their operations up or down as needed without the complexities associated with traditional company setups. Overall, choosing an umbrella company in Turkey streamlines the process of entering the market while ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Benefits of working with an umbrella company in Turkey

Working with an umbrella company in Turkey offers several benefits:

Ease of Entry:

Umbrella companies provide a straightforward entry point into the Turkish market without the need to establish a legal entity, saving time and resources.

Administrative Support:

They handle various administrative tasks such as payroll, taxes, and compliance with local regulations, allowing clients to focus on their core business activities.


Clients can scale their operations up or down as needed without the complexities associated with traditional company setups, providing flexibility in managing their business presence in Turkey.


Umbrella companies often have specialized knowledge of Turkish market conditions and cultural nuances, offering valuable insights and support to navigate the local business landscape successfully.

Risk Mitigation:

By ensuring compliance with Turkish laws and regulations, umbrella companies help mitigate the risk of legal issues or penalties, providing peace of mind for clients operating in the country.


Utilizing the services of an umbrella company can be more cost-effective than establishing and maintaining a separate legal entity, especially for short-term or smaller-scale operations in Turkey.

The challenges faced by contractors

Contractors working with umbrella companies in Turkey may encounter challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and potential delays in administrative processes. Understanding Turkish regulations and compliance requirements can be complex, leading to difficulties in navigating the local business environment. Additionally, communication issues and differing business practices may arise, impacting the efficiency of operations. Furthermore, contractors may face increased administrative costs and dependency on the umbrella company for essential services, potentially limiting their autonomy. Addressing these challenges requires effective communication, thorough legal understanding, and strategic planning to ensure smooth collaboration with umbrella companies in Turkey.

You can simplify your administrative procedures with our EOR Services.

Our Umbrella Company Services in Turkey

subsidiary turkey pics

Presentation of our services

We offer a seamless gateway for international entities to establish a presence in the Turkish market. Our comprehensive solutions handle payroll, taxation, legal compliance, and administrative tasks, ensuring a hassle-free experience. With expertise in Turkish regulations and market intricacies, we provide invaluable support to navigate the local business landscape successfully. From easing entry into the market to offering flexibility and cost-effectiveness, our services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of clients. Trust us to streamline your operations, mitigate risks, and maximize opportunities in Turkey.

It is time for your company to start your business by setting a company in Turkey !

The expertise of our team

Our team brings unparalleled expertise to our umbrella company services in Turkey. Comprising seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge of Turkish regulations, tax laws, and market dynamics, we offer comprehensive support tailored to your needs. From skilled accountants to legal advisors, our multidisciplinary team ensures meticulous attention to detail and seamless execution of all tasks. With a deep understanding of local business practices and cultural nuances, we provide invaluable insights to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Trust in our team’s dedication, experience, and commitment to excellence for your success in the Turkish market.

Get help with our procedures !

payroll turkey how it works
business turkey

Customer case study

Company X, a multinational corporation, sought to expand its operations into Turkey but faced challenges navigating local regulations and establishing a legal entity. They opted to partner with our umbrella company services. Our team provided comprehensive support, handling payroll, taxation, and compliance matters, allowing Company X to focus on core business activities. Leveraging our expertise in Turkish market dynamics, we tailored solutions to meet their specific needs, ensuring seamless integration into the local business landscape. Our proactive approach and responsive communication fostered a strong partnership with Company X, enabling efficient decision-making and swift problem-solving. As a result, Company X successfully launched its operations in Turkey, experiencing accelerated growth and minimized risks. This case exemplifies how our umbrella company services empower businesses to thrive in new markets while mitigating complexities and maximizing opportunities.

Compliance and Legal Aspects

The importance of legal compliance in contracting

Legal compliance is paramount when contracting with an umbrella company in Turkey. Ensuring adherence to Turkish regulations mitigates the risk of penalties, legal disputes, and reputational damage. Failure to comply with tax laws, employment regulations, or corporate governance requirements can lead to severe consequences for both contractors and the umbrella company. By prioritizing legal compliance, contractors uphold ethical standards, safeguard their business interests, and maintain trust with stakeholders. Additionally, compliance fosters a stable and sustainable operating environment, facilitating long-term success and growth in the Turkish market. Overall, legal compliance is indispensable for fostering transparency, accountability, and integrity in contracting relationships with umbrella companies in Turkey.

How our umbrella company ensures adherence to local labor laws ?

Our umbrella company in Turkey ensures adherence to local labor laws through a comprehensive approach. We stay updated on all relevant regulations, regularly monitoring changes and updates to ensure compliance. Our team conducts thorough reviews of employment contracts, recruitment in Turkey services, payroll practices, and working conditions to ensure alignment with legal requirements. Additionally, we provide ongoing training and support to both contractors and internal staff, promoting awareness and understanding of labor laws. By fostering a culture of compliance and accountability, we mitigate risks, uphold ethical standards, and maintain trust with both clients and regulatory authorities, ensuring a harmonious and legally compliant work environment for all stakeholders.

Simplifying Your Contracting Journey

We manage your administrative tasks

With our umbrella company in Turkey, we streamline administrative tasks to maximize efficiency and minimize your burden. Our experienced team handles payroll management, tax filings, invoicing, and compliance with local regulations. Through automated systems and meticulous attention to detail, we ensure accuracy and timeliness in all administrative processes. Additionally, we offer personalized support and transparent communication channels, keeping you informed every step of the way. By entrusting us with your administrative responsibilities, you can focus on your core business activities with peace of mind, knowing that your operations in Turkey are running smoothly and in full compliance with regulatory requirements.

Focus on your core business

With our umbrella company in Turkey, you can focus on your core business while we handle the rest. Our comprehensive services manage administrative tasks, payroll, taxes, and compliance with local regulations. By entrusting these responsibilities to us, you gain more time and resources to dedicate to strategic initiatives and business growth. Our experienced team ensures efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in all operations, providing peace of mind knowing that your business in Turkey is in capable hands. With our support, you can maximize productivity, minimize distractions, and achieve your goals with confidence. Let us handle the details while you focus on what truly matters – your success.

Time-saving benefits

Partnering with our umbrella company in Turkey offers significant time-saving benefits. We handle time-consuming administrative tasks such as payroll management, tax filings, and compliance with local regulations on your behalf. By outsourcing these responsibilities to us, you can redirect your time and resources towards core business activities, strategic planning, and client relationships. Additionally, our efficient processes and expertise in Turkish regulations ensure timely and accurate execution, eliminating the need for extensive research or troubleshooting. With more time freed up, you can seize opportunities, innovate, and drive growth in the Turkish market while leaving the administrative burdens to us.

They trust us


Our umbrella company in Turkey provides comprehensive services to streamline your business operations. From handling administrative tasks like payroll and tax compliance to navigating local regulations and cultural nuances, we ensure a hassle-free experience. With our expertise, you can establish a presence in Turkey quickly and efficiently without the need for setting up a legal entity. We offer flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your core business activities while we take care of the rest. Trust us to mitigate risks, maximize opportunities, and support your success in the Turkish market.

Key points to remember

Key points to remember in umbrella company services in Turkey include: comprehensive administrative support, expertise in local regulations and market dynamics, streamlined entry into the Turkish market without establishing a legal entity, flexibility to scale operations, cost-effectiveness compared to traditional setups, and mitigation of risks through compliance management. Additionally, prioritize transparent communication, personalized service, and a strong commitment to excellence. Trust in the umbrella company’s capabilities to handle administrative burdens efficiently, allowing you to focus on core business activities and capitalize on growth opportunities in Turkey.

The benefits of choosing an umbrella company in Turkey

Choosing an umbrella company in Turkey offers numerous benefits. It provides a quick and efficient way to establish a presence in the market without setting up a legal entity. These services handle administrative tasks like payroll, taxation, and compliance, saving time and resources. With expertise in local regulations and market dynamics, they offer invaluable support to navigate the business landscape successfully. Additionally, umbrella companies provide flexibility to scale operations and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional setups. By partnering with an umbrella company, businesses can mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and focus on core activities, ultimately maximizing their chances of success in the Turkish market.