Do you need a residence permit in Turkey for a short or a long term?
Azkan Group takes care of bring to you all information you need on this subject. We invest to support you throughout the process if you need advices or additional information.

Thanks to our expertise as a consulting firm specialized in Turkey, we are able to answer you all your questions regarding Turkey. Otherwise, we were lucky to work many times with multinationals like Renault, Ralph Lauren, Bic, or even Axa, which allow us to become more efficient in our business activity. We have supported them in their market study, company set up, recruitment Turkey needs…
You can find all necessary information below, in order to amass a residence permit in Turkey application. Naturally, the process is not the same according to the duration of the resident permit, but we distinguish you both.
Residence Permit in Turkey
Short-Term Residence Permit in Turkey
For a short-term residence permit, which is issued for a period of one year at most, foreigners who own immovable property in Turkey or will establish a business or commercial connections in Turkey should submit a few documents to the relevant Police Department.
If it concerns an initial application, you have to bring documents below:
- A residence permit application form
- The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
- Four passport-size photographs
- A Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (Stated in the application form. The authority may request supporting documents.)
- An Official document regarding the applicant’s ownership of the residence (this is required for foreigners owning immovable property in Turkey )
- A valid medical insurance*
If it concerns an application for extension, you have to bring documents below:
- A residence permit in Turkey application form
- The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
- Two passport-size photographs
- Declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay (Stated in the application form. The authority may request supporting documents.)
- An official document regarding the applicant’s ownership of the residence (this is required for foreigners owning immovable property in Turkey)
- A submission of the previous residence permit document (this is required for foreigners that will establish a business or commercial connections in Turkey)
- An invitation letter or documents of such written by the person or companies to be contacted upon the authority’s request (this is required for foreigners that will establish a business or commercial connections in Turkey)
- A valid medical insurance* (* One of these documents will be enough for this insurance)
- A document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
- A provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
- A private health insurance including the extension period
- Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance (only for an initial application).
Long-Term Residence Permit in Turkey
For a long-term residence permit, foreigners that have continuously resided in Turkey for at least eight years should submit a few documents to the relevant Police Department.
If it concerns an initial application, you have to bring documents below:
- A residence permit application form
- The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
- A submission of the previous residence permit document
- Two passport-size photographs
- The document showing that the applicant has not received any social aid from governmental institutions and organizations in the last three years
- A declaration regarding sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay
- A police record document
- A valid medical insurance*
* One of these documents will be enough for this insurance:
- A document facilitating health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
- A provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
- A document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance
- A private health insurance
- A document showing that the applicant is registered with the Address Registry System
If you want do an application for extension
For your information it’s delivered indefinitely and it’s not extended.