
Corporate Tax Declaration in Turkey: Key Deadlines Extended

In Turkey, managing corporate tax responsibilities requires strict adherence to set deadlines for declaration and payment.

Recent changes have been made regarding the deadlines for the corporate tax declaration in Turkey for 2023, which directly impact companies operating in the country. The submission and payment deadlines for corporate tax declarations, Ba Bs forms, and electronic ledgers have been extended. Here’s a detailed look at the updates on corporate tax declaration deadlines in Turkey, with a focus on the 2023 fiscal year and compliance with the extended deadlines.

Extended Deadlines for Corporate Tax Declaration and Payments

The Turkish government has extended the deadlines for filing corporate tax declarations and payments for the 2023 fiscal year. These tax declarations, which were originally required to be submitted by April 30, 2024, now have a new deadline:

  • New Deadline for Filing and Payment: Companies have until the end of Monday, May 6, 2024, to file their corporate tax declarations and pay the associated taxes. This extension provides companies with extra time to ensure accurate submissions and timely payments.

Revised Submission Deadline for Ba Bs Forms

Form Ba Bs, a critical document for tax reporting, summarizes companies’ transactions exceeding certain thresholds. The deadline extension for Form Ba Bs submissions allows companies to have more time to complete this paperwork accurately:

  • New Submission Deadline: The submission deadline for the Ba Bs form, previously set for April 30, 2024, has been extended until the end of Monday, May 6, 2024. This applies to the Ba Bs forms for the March 2024 period.

Updated Deadlines for E-Ledger Compliance

E-ledgers, which include digital financial records, require special attention. Companies in Turkey must prepare and sign e-ledgers by specified deadlines and upload them to the Revenue Administration Information Processing System. The new deadlines provide companies with a buffer to ensure compliance:

  • Creation and Signing of E-Ledgers: The new deadline for creating and signing electronic ledgers is the end of Friday, May 10, 2024. Previously, this process was to be completed by April 30, 2024.
  • Uploading Electronic Ledger Certificates: Companies now have until May 10, 2024, to upload electronic ledger certificates to the Revenue Administration Information Processing System. The previous deadline was April 30, 2024.

Implications for Businesses

The deadline extensions offer several key benefits and considerations for businesses in Turkey:

  1. Additional Time for Compliance: The extensions offer companies more time to prepare their tax declarations, complete Ba Bs forms, and manage electronic ledgers without the pressure of imminent deadlines.
  2. Improved Accuracy: With additional time, businesses can focus on ensuring the accuracy of their submissions, reducing the risk of errors and penalties.
  3. Strategic Financial Planning: The extended deadlines also give companies more time to organize their finances effectively, especially when it comes to managing cash flows for tax payments.

Preparation Tips for Businesses

Given the extensions, it’s crucial for companies to utilize the extra time efficiently:

  • Organize Financial Documents Early: Start organizing financial documents early to avoid last-minute rushes. This will help streamline the tax declaration and filing process.
  • Consult with Tax Professionals: If needed, consult with tax professionals to ensure that all submissions are compliant and accurate.
  • Utilize Tax Software: Use tax software to simplify the preparation process and avoid manual errors. Tax software can also assist in managing e-ledgers effectively.


The Turkish Revenue Administration’s extension of corporate tax deadlines provides businesses with an opportunity to ensure compliance and improve the accuracy of their submissions. With the extended deadlines, companies now have until May 6, 2024, to file corporate tax declarations and submit Ba Bs forms, and until May 10, 2024, to finalize their electronic ledger requirements. Proper planning and efficient use of this extra time can help businesses navigate the tax season smoothly.

You can access in this link the detailed announcement directly from the Revenue Administration for more specific information on these extensions and how they apply to your business.