Employer of record (eor) in turkey services

Looking for Employer of Record (EOR) in Turkey ?

Hire your Turkish talent quickly, compliantly, and without needing to establish a Turkish entity with Azkan Group’s Employer of Record (EOR) solution.

Maintain day-to-day control of your team while we manage payroll, benefits, risk, compliance, and ongoing employee support.

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Looking for Employer of Record (EOR) in Turkey ?

Hire your Turkish talent quickly, compliantly, and without needing to establish a Turkish entity with Azkan Group’s Employer of Record (EOR) solution.

Maintain day-to-day control of your team while we manage EOR, benefits, risk, compliance, and ongoing employee support.

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Recommended by companies worldwide

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3 reasons to choose EOR Solution in Turkey with Azkan Group

Not only a virtual website, we're based in Turkey !

Discover the benefits of our Istanbul-based team. We handle all EOR requests ourselves.


We pay your employees in Euro currency in Turkey.

We're the sole provider in Turkey capable of paying your employees in the euro currency.

Let's start immediately !

Get started now. We can register your employee within 24 hours.

Get a Quote

In order to proceed, we require some information regarding your EOR project. Please provide the following details:

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The others sell a web platform, while we showcase authentic Turkish expertise.

Our team is located in Istanbul and has been recognized as Turkish experts since 2005.

Feel free to ask us any questions about the specificities of the Turkish EOR system. Our Turkish Expert Team will respond to you in less than 24 hours.

Receive dedicated guidance and support to navigate Turkish employment.

Do you have any questions about inflation in Turkey or the average salary in your market? 

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All your Turkish team on our EOR platform

Maquette App AKG 2

No intermediary/ No subcontractors

We manage all requests ourselves. We don't outsource your project.

Immediate support

Answers to your emails within 4 hours, maximum 24 hours.

Immediate start

Registration of your employee within 24 hours.

100% of our clients are companies based overseas, like you!

And all of them have a small team, ranging from 1 to 6 people or more. That's why, since 2005, we've been used to managing this kind of request.

Azkan Group is offering a complete Umbrella Company Turkey

EOR (Employer of Record)/ PEO (Professional Employer Organization) EOR Turkey services.

We Help company grow

One of the leaders in the Turkey
Date of incorporation
More than 500 references
Response within a day
48 h
Nouveau Schema Icons 1 1

Premium Quality Provider

Only Provider able to pay your employees in Euro or Dollars currency

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We have our own software solution for Human Ressources purposes.

Our services and systems are fully complaint with  GDPR and Turkish Personnal Data Protection (KVKK) Law.

Possibility to edit reports in English and Turkish.

Since 2005, we have been unwavering in delivering top-notch quality.

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We have our own software solution for Human Ressources purposes.

Our services and systems are fully complaint with  GDPR and Turkish Personnal Data Protection (KVKK) Law.

Possibility to edit reports in English and Turkish.

Since 2005, we have been unwavering in delivering top-notch quality.

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Azkan Group was able to intervene quickly by managing all the social, administrative and legal aspects of our needs in EOR in Istanbul. A big thanks to the teams in Paris and Istanbul for their professionalism !


International Manager

image testimonial

Understanding EOR Employee

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What is an EOR employee ?

An Employer of Record (EOR) Employee in Turkey refers to an individual who is employed by an EOR provider on behalf of a client company operating in Turkey. The EOR provider serves as the legal employer responsible for managing the administrative tasks associated with employment, such as payroll processing, tax withholding, benefits administration, and compliance with local labor laws and regulations. The EOR employee works at the client company’s direction, performing tasks and responsibilities as outlined in their employment agreement. However, the legal relationship regarding employment matters resides between the EOR provider and the employee. This arrangement allows the client company to access talent in Turkey without the need to establish its own legal entity in the country, offering flexibility, scalability, and compliance assurance. EOR employees benefit from stable employment, access to benefits, and the assurance of legal protections under Turkish labor laws.

How EOR services function in international workforce management ?

Employer of Record (EOR) services play a vital role in international workforce management by providing companies with a compliant and efficient solution to engage employees in foreign jurisdictions. When a company expands its operations internationally, it may encounter complex legal, tax, and administrative challenges associated with hiring and managing employees in different countries. EOR services function by acting as the legal employer for the client company’s workforce in the foreign location. This involves assuming responsibility for payroll, taxes, benefits, HR compliance, and other administrative tasks related to employment. By partnering with an EOR provider, companies can navigate local labor laws and regulations, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with employment-related obligations. EOR services also offer flexibility and scalability, allowing businesses to quickly enter new markets, manage temporary projects, or expand their global footprint without the need for establishing legal entities in each country. Ultimately, EOR services streamline international workforce management, enabling companies to focus on their core business objectives.

We can support in setting up a business in Turkey.

business turkey

Why Payroll Services in Turkey ?

Legal requirements and compliance for payroll in Turkey

In Turkey, payroll administration must adhere to various legal requirements and compliance standards. Employers are obligated to register with the Social Security Institution (SGK) and obtain a tax identification number from the Revenue Administration (GİB). Payroll must be processed monthly, with deductions for income tax, social security contributions, and other statutory withholdings. Employers must contribute to social security funds and provide benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans for employees. Additionally, Turkish labor law mandates minimum wage rates, overtime pay, and paid leave entitlements, which must be accurately reflected in payroll calculations. Employers must also comply with reporting obligations to government authorities, including the SGK and GİB, and maintain thorough payroll records for inspection purposes. Non-compliance with payroll regulations can result in penalties, fines, and legal repercussions for employers. Therefore, meticulous attention to payroll compliance is essential for businesses operating in Turkey.

Advantages of using EOR employees in Turkey

Utilizing Employer of Record (EOR) employees in Turkey offers several advantages for businesses expanding their operations in the country. Firstly, it enables companies to quickly establish a presence in Turkey without the need for establishing a legal entity, reducing time-to-market and administrative burdens. EOR services handle payroll, taxes, and compliance with local labor laws, minimizing legal and regulatory risks for the hiring company. Additionally, EOR arrangements provide flexibility, allowing businesses to scale their workforce up or down as needed without long-term commitments or the complexities of hiring and terminating employees directly. By accessing EOR employees, companies can tap into local talent pools, gain cultural insights, and navigate language barriers more effectively. Overall, leveraging EOR employees in Turkey provides a cost-effective, compliant, and efficient solution for businesses seeking to enter or expand in the Turkish market.

Why Choose an EOR Employee Solution in Turkey ?

Choosing an Employer of Record (EOR) employee solution offers several compelling reasons for businesses.


EOR providers ensure compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and employment standards, reducing legal risks and liabilities for the hiring company.

Speed and Efficiency:

EOR solutions allow companies to onboard employees quickly, facilitating rapid market entry or project deployment without the delays associated with establishing legal entities.


EOR arrangements offer flexibility in workforce management, enabling businesses to scale their workforce up or down as needed without long-term commitments or administrative burdens.

Cost Savings:

By outsourcing payroll administration, taxes, benefits, and other HR functions to an EOR provider, businesses can avoid the overhead costs associated with establishing and maintaining legal entities in foreign jurisdictions.

Focus on Core Activities:

Offloading administrative tasks to an EOR provider allows businesses to concentrate on their core activities and strategic objectives, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Access to Talent:

EOR solutions enable companies to access local talent pools in foreign markets, leveraging the expertise and insights of professionals familiar with the local business environment.

Overall, choosing an EOR employee solution empowers businesses to expand globally, mitigate risks, and focus on growth opportunities while ensuring compliance and operational efficiency.

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The benefits of EOR services

Employer of Record (EOR) services offer numerous benefits for businesses expanding internationally. Firstly, EOR solutions provide rapid market entry by managing legal and administrative complexities, allowing companies to focus on their core operations. Secondly, EOR providers ensure compliance with local labor laws, tax regulations, and employment standards, mitigating legal risks and liabilities. Thirdly, EOR arrangements offer flexibility in workforce management, enabling businesses to scale their teams efficiently without the need for establishing legal entities in foreign jurisdictions. Fourthly, outsourcing payroll, taxes, benefits, and HR functions to an EOR provider can result in cost savings by eliminating overhead expenses associated with establishing and maintaining legal entities abroad. Lastly, EOR services grant access to local talent pools, facilitating recruitment efforts and fostering cultural understanding, which are crucial for successful international expansion. Overall, EOR services streamline global operations, enhance compliance, and support strategic growth initiatives for businesses.

How EOR employees simplify global hiring and Payroll ?

EOR employees simplify global hiring and payroll by handling legal and administrative tasks on behalf of the hiring company. EOR providers manage payroll processing, tax withholdings, benefits administration, and compliance with local labor laws, streamlining the entire process. This eliminates the need for the hiring company to establish legal entities in foreign countries, reducing administrative burdens and legal complexities. With EOR employees and Payroll in Turkey Services, businesses can access global talent pools quickly, scale their workforce efficiently, and focus on their core objectives without the hassle of navigating international payroll and employment regulations.

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Our EOR Employee Services

EOR services offered by our company

Our company provides comprehensive Employer of Record (EOR) services in Turkey, facilitating seamless expansion for businesses into the Turkish market. With our expertise, we handle payroll processing, tax compliance, benefits administration, and HR support on behalf of our clients, ensuring full legal and regulatory compliance. By partnering with us, businesses can enter Turkey swiftly without establishing a legal entity, reducing time-to-market and administrative burdens. Our EOR solutions offer flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, enabling clients to focus on their core activities while we manage all aspects of their workforce in Turkey with precision and professionalism. Looking for expertise in EOR Turkey ?


Compliance and Legal Aspects

The importance of legal compliance in international recruitment

Legal compliance in international recruitment, especially in Turkey, is crucial to mitigate risks and ensure ethical practices. Adhering to local labor laws, immigration regulations, and employment standards helps avoid legal liabilities, fines, and reputational damage. Compliance fosters trust with authorities, stakeholders, and employees, enhancing the company’s reputation globally. Moreover, it promotes fair treatment, diversity, and inclusion, creating a positive work environment and attracting top talent. By prioritizing legal compliance, businesses demonstrate integrity, responsibility, and respect for local customs and regulations, paving the way for sustainable growth and successful international expansion.


Our EOR service guarantees compliance with local labor laws

Our EOR (Employee of Record) service ensures strict adherence to local labor laws, providing businesses with peace of mind regarding regulatory compliance. We meticulously handle payroll processing, tax obligations, benefits administration, and other HR functions, aligning with the legal requirements of the jurisdiction. By entrusting us with employment responsibilities, clients can confidently expand their operations without the risk of non-compliance penalties or legal disputes. Our commitment to upholding local labor regulations safeguards the interests of both businesses and employees, fostering a harmonious and legally sound working environment in every market we serve.


Employer of Record in Turkey case study

Company X, a multinational firm, sought to expand its operations into Turkey to capitalize on emerging market opportunities. However, navigating Turkey’s complex labor laws and establishing a legal entity posed significant challenges. Opting for an Employer of Record (EOR) solution, Company X partnered with an experienced EOR provider. The provider assumed responsibility for hiring, payroll, taxes, and compliance with Turkish labor regulations. By leveraging the EOR services, Company X swiftly onboarded a local team, avoiding the lengthy process of setting up a subsidiary. This allowed them to focus on core business activities while the EOR provider managed administrative tasks efficiently. With the EOR solution, Company X achieved seamless expansion into Turkey, maintaining legal compliance and minimizing risks associated with international expansion. The partnership with the EOR provider facilitated a smooth transition into the Turkish market, enabling Company X to capitalize on growth opportunities effectively.



Key Points to Remember the Advantages of Choosing Our EOR Employee Service in Turkey

In today’s globalized business landscape, expanding into new markets like Turkey presents lucrative opportunities but also daunting challenges. To streamline this process and maximize success, businesses must carefully consider their approach. Our Employer of Record (EOR) employee service in Turkey offers a strategic solution, providing several key advantages.

Firstly, our EOR service ensures compliance with Turkish labor laws and regulations, mitigating legal risks and liabilities for your business. Secondly, by partnering with us, you can rapidly establish a presence in Turkey without the complexities of setting up a legal entity, saving time and resources. Thirdly, our flexible workforce management allows you to scale your team efficiently according to your business needs, enhancing agility and cost-effectiveness.

Ultimately, choosing our EOR employee service in Turkey empowers your business to navigate the market with confidence, ensuring compliance, flexibility, and efficiency in your expansion efforts.


Publication of the First Book dedicated to Management in Turkey. Edition 2015 – Lignes de Repères – 72 pages – €12.
Written by Executive Manager EMEA of Azkan Group: Inane GURBUZ

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We have the solution: we recruit your employee on your behalf, edit and sign his employment contract, pay his salary and taxes.