
Turkish Employment Contracts

This article has been written by Azkan Group, consulting company able to support you in Turkish employment contract redaction.

Different types of Turkish employment contracts

Although there are several types of employment contracts, permanent employees are usually employed under an (open-ended) employment contract for an indefenite period (including start date and without precised end date or specified duration).

There is a legal requirement for Turkish employment contracts to be writing if they are signed for a fixed term of one year or more. In cases of where no written contract has been concluded, employer is under the obligation to provide to employee a written document, within two months at the latest, showing general and specific conditions of work, such as the daily or weekly working time, basic wage and any supplement wage, time intervals for remuneration, duration if it is a fixed term contract, and conditions concerning contract’s termination. For contracts with a fixed term of less than one month above stipulation is not applicable.

Telecommuting job necessitates a written and specific employment contrat. It concerns any job performed at home. Their work is in the scope of employers working organization, at home or out of the workplace by means of technological communication instruments.

For detailed information regarding Turkish employment contract please visit Azkan Group website.

Our company is specialized in both recruitment turkey and payroll turkey services since 2005. We have supported companies such as Babyliss, Louis Vuitton, Renault, Altran, Decathlon, Groupama, Axa, Bic, Bombardier…in their development inside Turkish market.

This article is solely informatory and does not constitute legal advice. To the best of our knowledge, information contained in this article is accurate and reliable as of January 2018 ; however, information may be subject to legal changes, Azkan Group Team Istanbul does not assume any liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information.