
Understanding Labour Legislation in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide

Labour legislation in Turkey plays a crucial role in protecting the rights and interests of employees, ensuring fair treatment, and promoting a harmonious work environment.

In Turkey, the government has implemented several labour laws and regulations to safeguard workers’ rights and establish a balanced employer-employee relationship. This article will delve into the key aspects of labour legislation in Turkey, offering a comprehensive guide to help both employers and employees understand their rights and obligations.

  1. Turkish Labour Law : The foundation of labour legislation in Turkey lies in the Turkish Labour Law, which outlines the basic principles, rights, and obligations for both employers and employees. This comprehensive law covers various aspects, including employment contracts, working hours, leaves, wages, termination, and social security.
  2. Employment Contracts : Employment contracts are legally binding agreements between employers and employees that establish the terms and conditions of employment. In Turkey, employment contracts can be written or verbal, although a written contract is highly recommended to avoid any disputes. The contract should clearly state the job description, working hours, salary, duration of employment, and other pertinent details.
  3. Working Hours and Overtime : According to Turkish labour legislation, the standard working hours should not exceed 45 hours per week, including overtime. Overtime work is subject to additional pay, generally at a rate higher than regular working hours. However, there are limitations on the number of overtime hours an employee can work to protect their health and well-being.
  4. Leaves and Holidays : Labour legislation in Turkey guarantees employees various types of leave, including annual leave, maternity leave, sick leave, and public holidays. Employees are entitled to annual paid leave after completing a certain period of employment. Maternity leave is granted to female employees, while sick leave is provided in case of illness or injury. Public holidays are observed throughout the country.
  5. Wages and Benefits : The minimum wage in Turkey is determined by the government and is revised annually. Employers are required to pay wages promptly, either on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. In addition to the basic salary, employees are entitled to benefits such as overtime pay, bonuses, and allowances, which may vary based on the industry and employment terms.
  6. Termination of Employment : Termination of employment can occur through mutual agreement or under specific circumstances defined by Turkish labour legislation in Turkey. Employers must provide a valid reason for terminating an employee’s contract. Severance pay is generally granted to employees who have completed a certain period of continuous service, with the amount depending on the length of service.
  7. Social Security : Turkey has a comprehensive social security system that provides healthcare, retirement benefits, and unemployment insurance. Employers are obligated to register their employees with the Social Security Institution (SSI) and contribute to the social security fund. Employees also make their contributions, ensuring access to essential benefits and protection.


Understanding labour legislation is crucial for both employers and employees in Turkey. The Turkish Labour Law provides a solid framework to protect the rights of workers and ensure a fair working environment. By familiarizing themselves with the key aspects of labour legislation in Turkey, employers can uphold their responsibilities, while employees can assert their rights confidently. Adhering to these regulations fosters a positive work culture, promotes economic growth, and contributes to the overall welfare of the workforce in Turkey.