
What are the working conditions in Turkey in 2022?

Working conditions in Turkey (2022)

Labor conditions

The legal duration of working time

45 hours. For more details on labor regulations.

The maximum duration

Maximum 11 hours / day

Night hours

From 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. It is forbidden to work more than 7.5 hours during this slot.

Weekly rest days

The usual weekly rest day is Sunday. On weekends, public companies are closed. This is also the case in some private companies, but it is not uncommon to see private sector employees also work on Saturday mornings.

Paid vacation

  • Between 1 and 5 years of work in the same company, 2 weeks of vacation
  • Between 5 and 15 years of work within the same company, 20 days of paid vacation
  • Over 15 years old, 26 days of paid vacation

Retirement age

58 for women and 60 for men.

Minimum legal age to work

16 years old

The informal labor market

There are no official figures but it is estimated at 30-40%

The cost of labor


The minimum salary

In July 2022, the national minimum wage in Turkey was set at 5,500 TYR per month (about 330 USD).

The average salary

In 2020, monthly average gross earnings were TRY 4,514 per month (Statistical Institute, latest available data).

Other forms of remuneration

For overtime

By law, overtime is paid 50% more than the normal rate. Overtime cannot exceed 270 hours/year.

However, in practice, this is left to the arbiter of the business manager.

For the weekends

Normal paid days

For night hours

No supplement

For overtime at night

No supplement

Social security costs

The areas covered

Old age, invalids and survivors, sickness and maternity, accidents at work, unemployment


Social security contributions paid by the employer:

The total of social security contributions paid by employees is 22.5%.

Short-term social security contributions 2%
Disability, old age, death 11%
General health insurance 7.5%
Unemployment 2%

Social contributions paid by the employee:

All employees, including foreign nationals, are subject to compulsory social security. The total social security contributions paid by employees amount to 15%.

Handicap, old age, death 9%.
General health insurance 5%
Unemployment 1%

The competent body

Social Security Institution (SGK) – administers the program and collects contributions

Ministry of Labor and Social Security (CGSB) – provides general supervision

Please contact our company for more information regarding working conditions in Turkey.