
You are going to work in Turkey as an expatriate

As soon as you exercise a professional activity in Turkey as an expatriate (unless you are “detached” by your employer within the framework of the Franco-Turkish agreement) you are subject to Turkish social security legislation and benefit from its services for yourself and the members of your family who reside on Turkish territory, by contacting the local social security bodies.

With regard to French social security organizations (health insurance fund, family allowance fund, Pôle Emploi), as an expatriate in Turkey you should report your departure from France, in order to prevent benefits from continuing to be paid unduly, benefits that should be reimbursed.

The existence of the Franco-Turkish social security agreement facilitates the transition from the French regime to the Turkish regime, for French and Turkish nationals, and gives rights in certain situations, such as:

You are French or Turkish, you are going to work as an employee (expatriate) in Turkey and you have previously been an employee in France

In this case, before leaving France, you should ask your Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie to draw up a form SE 208-04 “Attestation relating to the aggregation of insurance periods” which should be hand in your arrival in Turkey to the local health fund, in order to avoid any waiting period to be entitled to Turkish health and maternity insurance benefits, as soon as you resume your professional activity in Turkey.

You are French, you are going to work as an employee in Turkey and your family continues to reside in France

Health insurance rights

If the members of your family are not entitled to French health insurance benefits in respect of a professional activity carried out in France, they may nevertheless benefit from them in respect of your salaried activity carried out in Turkey.

For this, the members of your family must register with the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) of their place of residence, by presenting form SE 208-07 “Certificate for the registration of family members (Care to members of the worker’s family residing in the country of origin or returning to reside there)” established by your health insurance fund in Turkey.

Please note: the Franco-Turkish agreement does not provide for the right to family benefits for members of the family of French nationals, employed (expatriate) in Turkey, who reside in France. In this case, it is up to the family members to contact the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales in their place of residence to find out what their rights are, if any, under French law alone.