
Absences in Turkish labour law

There are many reasons of absences in Turkish labour law.

Absences in Turkish labour law : Maternity leave

Providing that social security contributions have been paid for at least 90 days in the year prior to the birth, maternity pay is paid eight weeks before and after the childbirth. In cases of multiple pregnancies, two weeks are added to the eight week period prior to the birth. If the expectant mother stops working three weeks prior to delivery, and obtains doctor’s approval, the period she worked is added after the birth.

Employee, upon her request, shall be granted unpaid leave of up to six months after the expiry of the sixteen weeks.

Absences in Turkish labour law : Flexible working after childbirth and adoption

After maternity leave, working women, or the male or female adopter of a child under three years of age, may work part-time for up to sixty days after first childbirth, one hundred and twenty days on second and one hundred and eighty days for the third child, and unworked hours will be compensated by the government.

Any one of the working parents will be allowed to work part time until the child begins school ; and the same right will be granted to adopting parents.

In case the mother dies during childbirth or after the child was born, the unused leaves related to the post-natal period can be used by the father.

Adopters, who adopted a child under three years of age, will have 8 weeks maternity leave starting from the date the child is handed over to them. Also the right of mother to have 6 months unpaid leave after childbirth will also be granted to one of the married couple or the adopter who adopted a child under three years of age.

Detailed informations available about absences in Turkish labour law on Azkan Group Umbrella Company Turkey website.