
What are the changes to the labour code in Turkey in 2023?

Labour Code in Turkey has been subject to various changes and updates in recent years. In 2023, the Turkish government has made several amendments to the Labour Code, focusing on employment contracts, working hours, and severance pay. In this article, we will discuss these changes and how they may impact workers in Turkey.

Employment Contracts in Turkey:

The new amendments to the Labour Code in Turkey have made changes to employment contracts. One significant change is the implementation of a trial period. This trial period can be up to three months, during which the employer can terminate the contract without cause. However, the employer must pay compensation to the employee for the duration of the trial period.

Another change to employment contracts is the limitation of fixed-term contracts. Employers can only offer fixed-term contracts for a maximum of two years, and they cannot extend or renew these contracts more than once. If the employer wishes to extend the contract, they must offer a permanent contract instead.

Working Hours in Turkey:

The Turkish Labour Code has also introduced changes to working hours. The standard workweek in Turkey is 45 hours, but this can be extended up to 60 hours in certain industries, such as healthcare. The new amendments have reduced the maximum working hours to 50 hours per week, with overtime pay required for any additional hours worked.

Additionally, the Labour Code in Turkey now allows for flexible working hours. Employees can work flexible hours as long as they meet the required weekly working hours. This can include remote work or staggered hours.

Severance Pay in Turkey:

Severance pay is an essential part of Turkish Labor Law, and the new amendments have made changes to this as well. Previously, employees were entitled to severance pay after one year of employment. However, this has now been extended to two years of employment. Additionally, the amount of severance pay has been increased. Employees are now entitled to 30 days’ pay for each year of service, up to a maximum of 12 years.

Impact on Workers:

These changes to the Labour Code can have a significant impact on workers in Turkey. The trial period, for example, can be challenging for workers who may face uncertainty regarding their job security during this period. However, it also provides employers with an opportunity to assess employees’ skills and suitability for the role.

The limitation on fixed-term contracts may provide more job security for workers who were previously on temporary contracts. However, it may also mean that some employers will opt for permanent contracts rather than fixed-term contracts, making it more challenging for workers to find temporary work.

The reduction in maximum working hours is a welcome change for workers who were previously working long hours. It may improve work-life balance and reduce stress levels. However, it may also mean that employers will need to hire more workers to make up for the reduced working hours.

The increase in severance pay can provide financial security for workers who lose their jobs. However, it may also increase the cost of employment for employers, making it more challenging to hire new workers or offer pay raises. You can find more informations regarding Turkish Labour Law on this link.