
Managing Employee Records and Files: A Guide for Businesses in Turkey

In Turkey, efficient management of employee records and files is crucial for businesses to comply with labor laws, ensure transparency, and maintain organized documentation.

Effective record-keeping not only facilitates smooth HR processes but also plays a vital role in addressing legal requirements and protecting the rights of both employers and employees. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of managing employee records and files in Turkey, including legal obligations, best practices, and the benefits of a well-organized system.

Legal Requirements for Employee Records in Turkey

Under Turkish labor laws, employers are obligated to maintain comprehensive employee records and files throughout the employment relationship. The Labor Law No. 4857 sets forth specific requirements for record-keeping, ensuring transparency, and protecting the rights of employees. Some of the essential records that employers must maintain include:

a. Employee Identification Documents: This includes personal identification information, such as name, address, ID number, and marital status.

b. Employment Contracts: A copy of the signed employment contract should be retained, outlining the terms and conditions of employment.

c. Social Security Records: Employers must maintain records related to employees’ social security contributions, including pay slips and social security registration documents.

d. Wage and Salary Records: Detailed records of wages, bonuses, commissions, and any other financial benefits provided to employees should be maintained.

e. Leave and Absence Records: Employers should keep track of employee absences, including annual leave, sick leave, and any other authorized or unauthorized leaves.

f. Performance Evaluations: Documentation of employee performance evaluations and disciplinary actions should be kept to ensure a fair and consistent evaluation process.

Employee File Organization and Security

Organizing employee files in a systematic and secure manner is essential for efficient record-keeping. Employers in Turkey should establish a structured filing system that allows for easy retrieval of information when needed. Here are some best practices for organizing employee files:

a. Maintain Separate Files: Each employee should have a separate file containing all relevant documents and records. This helps maintain confidentiality and prevents confusion.

b. Categorize Documents: Group documents into categories, such as personal information, employment history, performance evaluations, training records, and disciplinary actions.

c. Implement a Digital System: Utilize electronic document management systems to store and organize employee records securely. This ensures easy accessibility, backup options, and protection against loss or damage.

d. Establish Access Controls: Limit access to employee files to authorized personnel only. Implement strict security measures, including password protection and encryption, to safeguard sensitive employee information.

e. Retention and Disposal: Adhere to legal requirements regarding the retention period for employee records. After the retention period expires, confidential files should be disposed of securely to maintain data privacy.

Benefits of Effective Employee Record Management

Implementing a well-structured employee record management system offers numerous benefits for businesses in Turkey, including:

a. Compliance with Labor Laws: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date employee records ensures compliance with legal requirements. This minimizes the risk of penalties and legal disputes related to improper record-keeping.

b. Efficient HR Processes: Well-organized employee records streamline various HR processes, such as recruitment, onboarding, performance evaluations, and payroll administration. Accessible and complete records facilitate decision-making and enhance operational efficiency.

c. Performance Management and Career Development: Comprehensive employee records enable effective performance management and career development initiatives. Performance evaluations, training records, and feedback documentation help identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for employee growth.

d. Dispute Resolution: In case of employee disputes or legal claims, well-documented employee records serve as valuable evidence to support employer positions and ensure fair resolution.

e. Data Analysis and Workforce Planning: Analyzing employee records can provide insights into workforce trends, such as turnover rates, training needs, and succession planning. This data-driven approach aids in making informed strategic decisions related to human capital management.

Data Privacy and Protection

Ensuring data privacy and protection is paramount when managing employee records in Turkey. Employers must adhere to relevant data protection laws, such as the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. Some essential practices to safeguard employee data include:

a. Consent and Transparency: Obtain employee consent for collecting and processing personal data. Clearly communicate the purpose, scope, and duration of data collection to employees.

b. Data Security Measures: Employers should implement technical and organizational measures to protect employee data from unauthorized access, loss, or alteration. This includes using secure servers, encryption methods, and access controls.

c. Data Transfer: When sharing employee data with third parties, such as payroll service providers or government agencies, ensure that adequate data protection agreements are in place to safeguard the information.

d. Data Retention: Adhere to legal requirements regarding the retention period for employee records. Once the retention period expires, dispose of the data securely to prevent unauthorized access.

e. Employee Rights: Inform employees of their rights regarding data access, correction, and erasure. Establish a process for employees to exercise their rights and promptly respond to their requests.


Effective management of employee records and files is crucial for businesses operating in Turkey. By complying with legal requirements, establishing organized systems, and prioritizing data privacy, employers can ensure transparency, efficiency, and legal compliance in their HR processes. Well-maintained employee records not only facilitate day-to-day operations but also serve as valuable resources for performance management, workforce planning, and dispute resolution. By investing in sound record-keeping practices, businesses can enhance their overall HR management and contribute to a harmonious and compliant work environment.

Azkan Group can support you in your Employer of Record (EOR) and payroll requests (also called Umbrella Company) in Turkey. We can manage your HR requests even if you don’t have a legal entity in Turkey.