
Remote Employment in Turkey

In Turkey, traditional employment norms have been redefined to accommodate the evolving landscape of remote work. While labor laws traditionally dictate that employees carry out their duties at their employer’s premises, contemporary shifts in technology and work culture have necessitated adaptations. Employees can now perform their tasks from the comfort of their homes or any other suitable location through technology-enabled means.

This article delves into the legal aspects of remote employment in Turkey, outlining the crucial details that both employers and employees should be aware of.

In Turkey, remote employment arrangements are formalized through written contracts. These contracts serve as the cornerstone for establishing a remote work location, delineating essential working conditions, rights, and responsibilities. Key elements covered in these agreements include the definition of job roles, compensation details, payment terms, and the equipment to be provided by the employer and/or the employee. It is imperative that these contracts are comprehensive and unambiguous to avoid any potential disputes.

One fundamental principle that underpins remote employment in Turkey is that employees working remotely must not face discriminatory treatment in comparison to their in-office counterparts. In other words, the benefits, rights, and privileges granted to remote workers should be equal to those provided to non-remote employees performing similar roles. This principle underscores the importance of fairness and equality in remote work arrangements.

The flexibility offered by remote work is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides employees with the freedom to choose their work location and schedule. On the other, it raises concerns related to occupational health and safety. Employers have a legal obligation to inform remote workers about the specific occupational health and safety measures relevant to their job roles and work locations. This ensures that remote employees are aware of potential risks and are equipped to take necessary precautions.

Occupational health and safety considerations should be tailored to the nature of the remote work and the environment in which it is carried out. For instance, an employee working from home may encounter different hazards than one working from a co-working space. Employers must conduct assessments and provide guidance accordingly to mitigate risks associated with remote work.

Additionally, remote employees should be aware of their rights and avenues for redress. Any concerns or complaints related to occupational health and safety or discrimination should be reported and addressed promptly. Effective communication between employers and remote workers is crucial to resolving issues and maintaining a healthy and productive remote work environment.

In light of these legal requirements, employers need to prioritize the well-being of their remote workforce. This includes providing necessary training and resources to ensure employees are well-equipped to handle remote work challenges. Furthermore, employers must establish clear channels for remote workers to report any concerns and seek assistance when needed.

In conclusion, remote employment in Turkey is subject to specific legal provisions that aim to protect the rights and well-being of employees. Written contracts form the foundation of remote work arrangements, detailing the terms and conditions of employment. The principle of equal treatment ensures that remote workers enjoy the same rights and benefits as their in-office counterparts. Occupational health and safety measures are paramount, with employers obligated to inform remote employees about relevant precautions. It is essential for both employers and employees to be well-informed about these legal aspects to foster a successful and harmonious remote work environment in Turkey.

Azkan Group can support you in your Employer of Record (EOR) and payroll requests (also called Umbrella Company) in Turkey. We can manage your HR requests even if you don’t have a legal entity in Turkey.