
The Power of Collaboration: Exploring Joint Stock Companies in Turkey

Turkey’s business landscape presents numerous opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Joint Stock Companies (JSCs) serve as a popular corporate structure for businesses aiming to expand their operations and attract investment. In this article, we delve into the concept of Joint Stock Companies in Turkey, exploring their key features, benefits, and considerations. By understanding the intricacies of JSCs, entrepreneurs and investors can make informed decisions and leverage the advantages this corporate structure offers.

Definition and Formation

A Joint Stock Company is a legal entity formed by two or more shareholders to conduct business activities in Turkey. It can be privately or publicly held. The formation process involves drafting the company’s articles of association, obtaining necessary permits, and registering with the relevant authorities. JSCs are governed by the Turkish Commercial Code, which outlines the rights, responsibilities, and legal framework for these companies.

Limited Liability and Capital

One of the primary advantages of a JSC is limited liability protection for its shareholders. Shareholders’ liability is limited to their capital contributions, shielding their personal assets from the company’s debts and obligations. JSCs have the ability to raise significant capital through the issuance of shares, making them an attractive option for businesses seeking growth and expansion opportunities. The company’s capital is divided into shares, and shareholders can freely transfer or trade their shares on the stock market.

Governance and Management

JSCs follow a hierarchical governance structure. The General Assembly consists of shareholders who exercise their voting rights and make key decisions affecting the company. The General Assembly elects a Board of Directors responsible for managing the company’s operations, implementing strategic decisions, and ensuring compliance with regulations. JSCs also appoint external auditors to maintain transparency and provide financial oversight. Publicly traded JSCs are subject to additional regulatory requirements and scrutiny.

Capital Market Opportunities

JSCs have the advantage of accessing capital markets through initial public offerings (IPOs) or secondary offerings. By listing on the Borsa Istanbul (Istanbul Stock Exchange), JSCs can attract a broader range of investors and increase their visibility in the market. Publicly traded JSCs are subject to disclosure requirements and must adhere to strict financial reporting standards. This exposure to the capital market allows JSCs to raise funds for further expansion, acquisitions, or research and development initiatives.

Compliance and Reporting Obligations

JSCs in Turkey must comply with various legal and regulatory obligations. They are required to prepare annual financial statements, undergo regular audits, and submit reports to the relevant authorities. JSCs are also subject to corporate governance regulations, aimed at ensuring transparency, accountability, and protection of shareholders’ rights. Compliance with these obligations enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of JSCs in the eyes of investors and stakeholders.

Transition and Transformation

JSCs offer flexibility for businesses to transform and adapt to changing circumstances. They can restructure their operations, acquire other companies, or merge with existing entities. Through mergers and acquisitions, JSCs can consolidate their market presence, gain synergies, and achieve economies of scale. These transformations involve legal procedures, shareholder approval, and regulatory compliance.


Joint Stock Companies in Turkey provide a robust framework for collaboration, growth, and investment. With limited liability protection, access to capital markets, and a structured governance system, JSCs offer an attractive corporate structure for businesses aiming to expand their operations and attract investors. Entrepreneurs and investors should seek professional guidance to navigate the legal requirements and maximize the potential of JSCs in Turkey’s dynamic business environment.

Azkan Group can support you in your Employer of Record (EOR) and payroll requests (also called Umbrella Company) in Turkey. We can manage your HR requests even if you don’t have a legal entity in Turkey.