
Understanding Foreign Exchange Legislation in Turkey

Foreign exchange legislation plays a crucial role in regulating currency transactions and promoting economic stability in any country. Turkey, with its strategic location and vibrant economy, has implemented comprehensive foreign exchange regulations to govern the inflow and outflow of currencies.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to foreign exchange legislation in Turkey, shedding light on key regulations, restrictions, and procedures involved in currency transactions, both for individuals and businesses.

Legal Framework and Regulatory Authorities

The legal framework for foreign exchange legislation in Turkey is primarily governed by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), under the authority of the Central Bank Law. The CBRT establishes regulations and monitors foreign exchange transactions to ensure the stability of the Turkish currency, the Turkish lira (TRY). Additionally, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) oversees compliance with foreign exchange regulations by banks and financial institutions.

Currency Exchange and Transfer Regulations

Individuals and businesses in Turkey must comply with specific regulations when it comes to currency exchange and transfer. Turkish residents can freely exchange and transfer foreign currencies up to certain limits without providing documentation. However, for amounts exceeding these limits, supporting documentation, such as invoices or contracts, may be required to verify the purpose of the transaction. Non-residents, on the other hand, are subject to different regulations regarding the transfer of funds to and from Turkey.

Capital Movements and Investment

Foreign investors looking to invest in Turkey must adhere to regulations regarding capital movements. The principle of free movement of capital is generally respected, allowing investors to freely transfer profits, dividends, and capital gains. However, certain restrictions and reporting obligations may apply in exceptional circumstances, such as during times of economic crisis or for specific sectors deemed sensitive to national security.

Foreign Exchange Risk Management

Businesses engaged in international trade or exposed to foreign exchange risk can employ various risk management techniques in Turkey. Hedging instruments such as forward contracts, options, and swaps are available to mitigate currency fluctuations. These instruments can be utilized through authorized banks and financial institutions in compliance with the regulations set forth by the CBRT.

Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

Turkey, like many other countries, has implemented strict measures to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. Financial institutions and businesses are required to perform due diligence checks on customers and report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities. These measures ensure compliance with international standards and help maintain the integrity of the financial system.


Foreign exchange legislation in Turkey serves as a regulatory framework that facilitates currency transactions while maintaining the stability of the Turkish lira and preventing illicit activities. Understanding and complying with these regulations are essential for individuals and businesses engaging in currency exchange, capital movements, and international trade. By adhering to the guidelines set by the regulatory authorities, stakeholders can navigate the foreign exchange landscape in Turkey with confidence, promote economic stability, and contribute to the country’s continued growth and development.

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