
Application and Request Petition for Employment of Disabled in Turkey

In Turkey, the application and request petition for the employment of disabled individuals represent a critical mechanism within the framework of labor policy, aimed at promoting inclusivity, equal opportunities, and social integration for people with disabilities. Recognizing the importance of fostering an inclusive society and ensuring the full participation of all citizens in the workforce, Turkey has enacted legislation and implemented policies to support the employment of individuals with disabilities. Central to this effort is the application and request petition process, which provides a formal avenue for disabled individuals to seek employment opportunities, request accommodations, and assert their rights in the workplace. Understanding the intricacies of this process requires an exploration of the legal framework, administrative procedures, support mechanisms, and implications for both employers and disabled individuals within the Turkish context.

At the heart of the application and request petition process for the employment of disabled individuals lies the principle of non-discrimination and equal treatment enshrined in Turkey legal framework and international conventions. The Turkish Constitution guarantees equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, irrespective of disability, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Building upon this foundation, Turkey has ratified international agreements such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which obligate the state to take measures to ensure the full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society, including employment. In accordance with these principles, Turkey has enacted specific laws and regulations to promote the employment of individuals with disabilities, including Law No. 5378 on the Employment of Disabled Persons and its implementing regulations.

The application and request petition process for the employment of disabled individuals typically begins with the submission of a formal application to relevant government agencies or employer representatives. Disabled individuals seeking employment opportunities may apply directly to public employment agencies, private companies, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) specializing in disability rights and employment support. The application may include personal information, educational qualifications, work experience, and any specific accommodations or support needs required in the workplace. Additionally, applicants may be required to undergo assessments or medical evaluations to determine their eligibility for certain types of employment or accommodations.

Once the application is submitted, disabled individuals may also file a request petition with the relevant authorities, formally requesting assistance, accommodations, or support services to facilitate their employment. This petition may be submitted to government agencies responsible for disability affairs, labor and employment ministries, or designated disability support centers. The request petition outlines the specific accommodations or support services needed by the individual, such as assistive devices, workplace modifications, transportation assistance, or vocational training programs. The goal of the petition is to ensure that disabled individuals have access to the necessary resources and support systems to overcome barriers to employment and succeed in the workforce.

In addition to individual applications and request petitions, employers may also be encouraged or required to submit affirmative action plans or employment quotas for the hiring of disabled individuals. Under Turkish law, certain public and private sector employers are obligated to reserve a percentage of their workforce for disabled employees, in accordance with established quotas determined by the government. Employers who fail to meet these quotas may be subject to penalties or fines, while those who exceed them may be eligible for incentives or tax benefits. Affirmative action plans and employment quotas play a crucial role in promoting the inclusion of disabled individuals in the labor market and creating a more diverse and equitable workforce.

Once applications and request petitions are submitted, government agencies, employers, and disability advocacy organizations may collaborate to match disabled individuals with suitable employment opportunities and provide the necessary support services. This may involve job placement services, vocational training programs, job coaching, or on-the-job support to help disabled individuals integrate into the workforce and perform their duties effectively. Employers may also be required to make reasonable accommodations in the workplace to ensure equal access and opportunities for disabled employees, such as providing wheelchair ramps, accessible facilities, flexible work arrangements, or assistive technology.

From a legal perspective, the application and request petition process for the employment of disabled individuals is governed by a comprehensive set of laws, regulations, and administrative procedures aimed at protecting the rights and promoting the interests of disabled individuals in the workforce. These laws include provisions prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, mandating equal treatment and opportunities for disabled employees, and outlining the responsibilities of employers in providing reasonable accommodations and support services. Employers who fail to comply with these legal requirements may be subject to legal action, including fines, sanctions, or civil litigation for discrimination.

Furthermore, the application and request petition process carries broader implications for social inclusion, economic empowerment, and human rights in Turkey. By promoting the employment of disabled individuals, Turkey aims to reduce poverty, enhance social cohesion, and empower marginalized groups to participate fully in society and contribute to economic development. Employment not only provides disabled individuals with financial independence and self-sufficiency but also fosters a sense of dignity, belonging, and social connectedness. Moreover, by tapping into the talents, skills, and perspectives of disabled employees, employers stand to benefit from increased innovation, creativity, and diversity in the workplace.

In conclusion, the application and request petition process for the employment of disabled individuals in Turkey represents a multifaceted approach to promoting inclusivity, equal opportunities, and social integration in the workforce. Through legal protections, administrative support, and affirmative action measures, Turkey seeks to remove barriers to employment, provide access to necessary resources and support services, and create a more diverse and equitable labor market. By recognizing the rights and potential of disabled individuals, Turkey reaffirms its commitment to upholding human dignity, promoting social justice, and building a more inclusive society for all.

Application and Request Petition for Employment of Disabled in Turkey Template

Number:                                                                                                         …../…../………




…………………….. established in the province of …………………….., resident at ……………………., working with the title ……………… and ……………………… production (sales) ………………… (continuous / ……………..sustained / seasonal ………………….. (private / public) sector ………………… (in our workplace / workplaces) ………………. (number of workers / total number of workers) exceeds fifty and ………………. Therefore, we request that the necessary procedures be initiated and we be informed about the employment of disabled, ex-convicts and terrorism victims with the following qualifications.

Mailing Address and Phone                                                      Authorized Signatures

                                               Disabled           Ex-convict        Terrorism Victim






Marital Status:


Military Service:

Other Conditions: