
Document on the Working Conditions and Duties of the Caretaker, which must be presented to the Residents in Turkey

In Turkey, the presentation of a comprehensive document outlining the working conditions and duties of the caretaker is essential for fostering transparency, accountability, and mutual understanding between residents and caretaking staff within housing complexes. This document serves as a foundational framework delineating the roles, responsibilities, and expectations associated with the caretaker’s position. It outlines the caretaker’s obligations, including but not limited to maintenance tasks, security protocols, emergency procedures, and resident assistance services. Moreover, the document elucidates the working conditions, such as working hours, compensation, benefits, and disciplinary policies, ensuring that caretakers operate within a fair and conducive environment. By providing residents with insight into the caretaker’s scope of work and the terms of their employment, this document fosters trust, facilitates effective communication, and enables residents to make informed decisions regarding their interactions with the caretaker. Furthermore, it establishes a mechanism for residents to voice concerns, provide feedback, and seek redressal for any grievances they may encounter, thereby promoting a culture of accountability and continuous improvement. Ultimately, the provision of this document not only enhances the professionalism and efficiency of caretaking services but also cultivates a harmonious and supportive community environment within residential complexes across Turkey.

Working Conditions and Duties of the Caretaker, which must be presented to the Residents in Turkey Template

Messers, …………………………


n our main immovable property, an employment contract has been made with the caretaker whose identity information, duties and working conditions are specified below. Date



Name Surname:

Father’s Name:

Birthplace Year:



Working Conditions:

Employment Contract Date:

Working Hours:

Break Hours:


Work in General Holdiday:

