
Petition to be submitted by the Employee in the Rescission Contract in Turkey Template

In Turkey, an employee has the right to submit a petition in the case of a rescission contract, which refers to the termination of an employment agreement by either party. When an employee wishes to contest the rescission and believes it to be unjust or wrongful, they can file a petition with relevant authorities to challenge the termination. This petition typically outlines the reasons why the employee believes the rescission is unjust, citing any breaches of contract, violations of labor laws, or discriminatory actions by the employer. The petition may also include evidence supporting the employee’s claims, such as documentation of employment history, communication with the employer, or witness testimonies. In submitting the petition, the employee seeks to protect their rights, potentially seeking reinstatement to their position, compensation for damages, or other remedies as deemed appropriate by the authorities or through legal proceedings. The process of petitioning in the event of a rescission contract in Turkey underscores the importance of fair treatment and due process in employment relationships, ensuring that employees have recourse when faced with unjust termination.

Petition to be submitted by the Employee in the Rescission Contract in Turkey Notification


I have been working at your workplace since ………………………………. I would like to terminate the employment contract between us on the condition that ……………….. (payment of my notice and severance payments / ………………..TL, payment of compensation / and payment of others) and through mutual settlement (agreement).

I submit for your information.

                                                                                                          Employee                                                                                               Date / Name Surname / Signature