
Protected Workplace Form in Turkey

The Protected Workplace Form in Turkey serves as a vital document in ensuring the rights and safety of employees, particularly those with disabilities, in accordance with Turkish labor laws and regulations. This template provides a standardized framework for employers to assess and document the suitability of their workplace environment for individuals with disabilities, as mandated by the Turkish Labor Law No. 4857 and the Regulation on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. The form typically includes sections to evaluate various aspects of the workplace, such as physical accessibility, accommodation of special needs, availability of support services, and compliance with relevant health and safety standards. By systematically assessing these factors, employers can identify potential barriers to inclusion and implement appropriate measures to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for employees with disabilities.

The Protected Workplace Form begins with basic information about the employer and the specific workplace being assessed, including its location, size, and nature of operations. It then proceeds to evaluate the physical accessibility of the premises, including the presence of ramps, elevators, accessible restrooms, and designated parking spaces for individuals with disabilities. This section also considers factors such as door widths, hallway clearances, and the placement of furniture and equipment to ensure ease of mobility for employees with mobility impairments.

Next, the form assesses the availability and adequacy of accommodations and support services for employees with disabilities, such as assistive devices, ergonomic furniture, sign language interpreters, and accessible communication tools. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to enable employees with disabilities to perform their job duties effectively and participate fully in workplace activities. This may involve modifications to workstations, flexible scheduling, or specialized training to accommodate specific needs.

The Protected Workplace Form also evaluates the organization’s compliance with relevant health and safety regulations and its efforts to promote a culture of diversity and inclusion. Employers are encouraged to provide training and awareness programs for employees and managers on disability rights and etiquette, as well as to establish mechanisms for addressing complaints and grievances related to discrimination or accessibility issues. By fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment, employers can enhance the overall well-being and productivity of their workforce while complying with legal obligations and promoting social responsibility.

In conclusion, the Protected Workplace Form in Turkey serves as a valuable tool for employers to assess and enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of their workplaces for employees with disabilities. By systematically evaluating physical, organizational, and attitudinal barriers to inclusion, employers can identify areas for improvement and implement appropriate measures to create a more equitable and supportive work environment. By promoting diversity and inclusion, employers not only comply with legal requirements but also contribute to a more just and inclusive society.

Protected Workplace Form in Turkey Template

Workplace Title 
Tax Identity Number 
Activity Field/Sector 


S. No.T.R. ID No.Name SurnameGenderAgeDisability GroupDisability RateRefund Requested amountPeriod