
Release in Turkey Template

Understanding the Certificate of Release in Turkey: A Key Document in Employment Termination

In the realm of employment law in Turkey, the Certificate of Release holds significant importance, serving as a crucial document in the process of terminating employment contracts. Often referred to as “İşten Ayrılış Belgesi” in Turkish, this certificate plays a vital role in safeguarding the rights of both employers and employees during the termination process.

Purpose and Legal Basis

The Certificate of Release serves as formal documentation provided by the employer to an employee upon the termination of their employment contract. It verifies the end of the employment relationship and outlines key details regarding the termination, including the reason for departure, duration of employment, and any entitlements or obligations arising from the termination.

Under Turkish labor law, employers are required to issue a Certificate of Release to employees upon termination, as stipulated in the Labor Law No. 4857. This legal requirement aims to ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with regulations in the termination process.

Key Components

  1. Employee Information: The Certificate of Release typically includes details such as the employee’s name, identification number, position, department, and dates of employment. This information helps verify the identity of the employee and establish their employment history with the organization.
  2. Termination Details: The certificate specifies the date of termination and the reason for the employee’s departure. Common reasons for termination may include resignation, dismissal, contract expiration, or mutual agreement.
  3. Entitlements and Obligations: It outlines any entitlements or obligations arising from the termination, such as severance pay, accrued leave balances, compensation, or non-compete agreements. This section ensures clarity regarding the rights and responsibilities of both parties following the termination.
  4. Employer Declaration: The employer provides a declaration affirming the accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the Certificate of Release. This declaration signifies the employer’s compliance with legal requirements and ethical standards in the termination process.
  5. Employee Acknowledgment: Upon receiving the Certificate of Release, the employee may be required to acknowledge receipt of the document. This acknowledgment serves as confirmation that the employee has received and reviewed the certificate.

Importance and Implications

The Certificate of Release holds significant importance for both employers and employees due to its legal and practical implications:

  • Legal Compliance: Issuing a Certificate of Release is a legal requirement under Turkish labor law, ensuring compliance with regulations governing the termination of employment contracts.
  • Documentation of Termination: It serves as formal documentation of the termination, providing clarity and transparency regarding the circumstances and details of the employee’s departure.
  • Protection of Rights: The certificate helps safeguard the rights of both employers and employees by documenting any entitlements, obligations, or agreements related to the termination.
  • Future Employment Opportunities: For employees, the Certificate of Release may be required when seeking new employment opportunities, as prospective employers may request it as part of the hiring process.


In the dynamic landscape of employment relations in Turkey, the Certificate of Release plays a pivotal role in ensuring transparency, fairness, and legal compliance in the termination process. By providing formal documentation of the end of the employment relationship and outlining key details regarding the termination, this document helps protect the rights of both employers and employees and fosters trust and accountability in the workplace.

Certificate of Release

………………………. employer, where I worked between ………………… and ………………….., following the termination of the employment contract on …………………. TL wage, …………………….TL wage supplement (week holiday, general holiday, overtime work, working with excessive periods work etc. wages) ………………….TL social benefits ……………………. TL notice pay ………………… TL severance pay ……………….. TL annual leave fee ……………. TL (other) have been paid and I release the employer. (Date)

                                                                                   Employee/Name Surname/Date/Signature