
Request for Lists of Disabled People in Turkey

The request for lists of disabled people in Turkey is a sensitive issue that intersects with various ethical, legal, and social considerations. Such requests may stem from government agencies, non-profit organizations, or research institutions seeking to gather data for statistical analysis, policy development, or resource allocation purposes. However, the collection and dissemination of information about disabled individuals must be approached with utmost caution and respect for privacy and human rights. In Turkey, as in many other countries, there are strict regulations and protocols in place to protect the confidentiality and dignity of disabled individuals. These regulations are based on international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), which Turkey ratified in 2009, affirming its commitment to ensuring the full inclusion and participation of disabled people in society.

When considering requests for lists of disabled people in Turkey, it is essential to uphold principles of data protection and privacy. This includes obtaining informed consent from individuals before collecting or sharing their personal information, ensuring that data is stored securely and only accessed by authorized personnel, and anonymizing data whenever possible to prevent the identification of individual subjects. Additionally, any research or data collection efforts involving disabled individuals must be conducted in an ethical and non-discriminatory manner, taking into account the diverse needs and experiences of this population. This may involve consulting with disability rights organizations and advocacy groups to ensure that the voices and perspectives of disabled individuals are represented and respected throughout the process.

Moreover, requests for lists of disabled people in Turkey must adhere to principles of inclusivity and empowerment. Rather than viewing disabled individuals as passive subjects of research or recipients of services, it is essential to engage them as active participants and stakeholders in decision-making processes that affect their lives. This means involving disabled individuals in the design, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs that are intended to benefit them, and ensuring that their voices are heard and valued. It also means recognizing and addressing the intersectional nature of disability, acknowledging that disabled people may experience additional forms of discrimination and marginalization based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Furthermore, requests for lists of disabled people in Turkey should be guided by principles of social justice and equity. This includes ensuring that resources and opportunities are distributed fairly and equitably among disabled individuals, and addressing structural barriers that prevent them from fully participating in society. This may involve advocating for legislative reforms to strengthen the rights and protections of disabled people, investing in accessible infrastructure and services, and challenging negative stereotypes and attitudes towards disability. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a society where disabled individuals are valued, respected, and afforded equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to their communities.

Request for Lists of Disabled People in Turkey Template

Number:                                                                                                         …./…./……..




In our workplace within the jurisdiction of your provincial directorate, the job placement status of the disabled, ex-convicts and victims of terrorism sent following our application is as follows.

I request kindly that the necessary lists be sent for the completion of the deficiencies.

Mailing Address and Phone                                                      Authorized Signatures

                                               Disabled           Ex-convict        Terrorism Victim


Not employed:


Rejection of Work:

Physical/Mental inadequacy:

Failure to fulfil the conditions:

Failure in the exam:

Not applied:
