
Trial Period Evaluation Form in Turkey

In Turkey, the trial period evaluation form plays a crucial role in the employment relationship, serving as a structured means of assessing an employee’s performance and suitability for a position during the initial stages of their employment. During the trial period, which is typically specified in the employment contract and regulated by Turkish labour law, both employers and employees have the opportunity to evaluate whether the job is a good fit for the employee and whether the employee meets the expectations of the employer. The trial period evaluation form serves as a tool for documenting and assessing various aspects of the employee’s performance, including their job knowledge, skills, work ethic, and ability to work within a team. It provides a framework for conducting objective evaluations and feedback sessions, allowing both parties to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. Additionally, the trial period evaluation form may include provisions for setting specific performance targets or goals for the employee to achieve during the trial period, providing a clear benchmark for assessing their progress and success.

From the employer’s perspective, the trial period evaluation form serves as a means of mitigating the risks associated with hiring new employees. It allows employers to assess the employee’s capabilities and compatibility with the organization before making a long-term commitment to employment. By carefully evaluating the employee’s performance during the trial period, employers can make informed decisions about whether to continue the employment relationship or to terminate it if the employee does not meet expectations. Moreover, the trial period evaluation form provides a mechanism for documenting the reasons for any subsequent termination of employment, which can be important in the event of legal disputes or claims of unfair dismissal.

For employees, the trial period evaluation form provides valuable feedback and guidance on their performance and progress in the role. It allows them to receive constructive feedback from their supervisors or managers, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps to address any deficiencies. By actively participating in the evaluation process and demonstrating a willingness to learn and grow, employees can increase their chances of successfully completing the trial period and securing long-term employment with the organization. Additionally, the trial period evaluation form can serve as a record of the employee’s achievements and contributions during the trial period, which may be considered in future performance reviews or promotions.

Overall, the trial period evaluation form is an essential tool in the employment process in Turkey, facilitating fair and transparent evaluations of employee performance during the initial stages of employment. By providing a structured framework for assessing performance, setting goals, and providing feedback, the trial period evaluation form helps both employers and employees make informed decisions about the future of the employment relationship. When conducted effectively, the trial period evaluation process can contribute to the success and stability of the organization by ensuring that employees are well-suited to their roles and aligned with the organization’s goals and values.

Trial Period Evaluation Form in Turkey Template

Name Surname:



Employment Date:

Contract End Date:



EVALUATION SUBJECTS                        A          B          C          D

General appereance


Embracing the workplace

Relationship with friends

Ability to work in a team

Educational background and work adaptation

Care and diligence

Willingness to take responsibility



Adequate                                 □

Meets the need                                   □

Should be observed again         □

Inadequate                              □



Name Surname                                    Name Surname

Date                                                    Date

Signature                                             Signature

A          Very Good                                                                   APPROVING AUTHORITY

B          Good

C          Mean                                                                          Name, Surname

D         Inadequate                                                                 Duty/Date/Signature