AZKAN Group offers payroll Turkey services / Umbrella Company Turkey

Start your Payroll Turkey project now !

Istanbul Office :+ 90.212.988.02.52
Paris Office : +331.
The basic Turkey Payroll Taxes information are represented on these parameters. Daily food, children alowances and other life expenses are not included on these calculations. You are free to contact Azkan Group team in order to get more information about these parameters.
Turkey Payroll Taxes calculation, from net to gross salary
The below calculation is intended to companies wishing to get more information about Turkey Payroll Taxes calculations.
Net Salary + MLA + Stamp Tax + Income Tax = Gross Salary
The calculation of total employer cost is including also : SSI Ee, SSI Er, Unemployment Ee, Unemployment Er and CITB. Regarding the turkish social security tax, all employees are subjected to SGK (Turkish Social Security). For a foreigner, only unemployment insurance is exceptional. If the foreigner, receives from a competent authority, a document attesting that he is covered in his home country. This foreigner will be subject to SGK (Turkish Social Security). Employer and employee are assigned to pay the contributions. These one is based on the salary of the employee.
The Payroll Turkey Company is responsible for paying the employee’s salary in addition to paying all Turkey social security contributions. Calculation of social contributions Turkey. The SGK (Turkish Social Security) represents 14% of the gross salary of an employee, and 7.5% of the retirement pension.
Gross salary = 3000 TL
Social security base = 3000 TL
Employee Social Security = 420 TL (gross Salary x 14%)
Employer’s social security = 435 TL (gross salary x 14.5%)
Employee unemployment rate = 30 TL (gross salary x 1%)
Employer unemployment rate = 60 TL (gross salary x 2%)
Income Tax Base = 2550 TL (Social Security Base – Employee Social Security – Employee Unemployment Rate)
Income Tax = 382 TL (Income Tax Base x 0.15)
There is also the calculation of the tax stamp (0.6% of the gross salary)
Tax Stamp = 18 TL (gross salary x 0.6%)
Annual net salary = 2150 TL (gross salary – employee’s social security – employee unemployment rate – income tax – tax stamp)
Below we have listed the steps for calculating Turkey’s social security contributions. Payroll in Turkey service is therefore a good solution for international companies wishing to employ in this country. Without having to open any legal entity on the spot. The on-site umbrella company publishes the payslips on behalf of the customer. Pay wages, pay social and employer contributions. Then take care of all legal and accounting aspects of the employee’s recruitment. The Payroll Solution in Turkey thus enables the customer to save considerable time and cost.