
Example of a work certificate in Turkey

A work certificate in Turkey, also known as “İşyeri Yazısı” or “İş Deneyim Belgesi,” serves as a crucial document for individuals to validate their employment history and experience in the Turkish job market. Typically issued by an employer upon request or at the termination of employment, this certificate holds significant importance in various professional endeavors, from job applications to visa processes and beyond. A standard work certificate in Turkey includes essential details such as the employee’s full name, identification number, position held during the employment period, start and end dates of employment, and a brief description of the duties and responsibilities undertaken. Moreover, it often includes information about the employer, such as the company name, address, tax identification number, and signature of an authorized representative. The certificate aims to provide comprehensive insight into the individual’s work experience, offering potential employers or other interested parties a clear understanding of the candidate’s skills, competencies, and contributions in their previous role.

In Turkey, the format and content of a work certificate adhere to certain legal requirements outlined by labor laws and regulations. This ensures consistency and reliability across different certificates issued by various employers. The document serves as a testament to the individual’s professional background and is considered an integral part of the employment relationship. Moreover, it reflects the employer’s acknowledgment of the employee’s service and contribution to the organization, enhancing the individual’s credibility in the job market.

When requesting a work certificate in Turkey, employees typically approach their employers or human resources departments. It’s customary to make such requests upon leaving a job or when needed for other purposes, such as applying for a new job, pursuing further education, or obtaining a visa for international travel or work. Employers are generally obligated to provide this document upon request, as it is considered a fundamental right of the employee to receive proof of their employment history.

The content of a work certificate in Turkey can vary slightly depending on the industry, company policies, and the nature of the employment relationship. However, certain key elements remain consistent to ensure the document’s validity and usefulness. These include accurate details about the employee and employer, precise dates of employment, and a clear description of the job role and responsibilities. Additionally, the language used in the certificate is typically formal and professional, reflecting the seriousness of the document and its importance in various contexts.

In summary, a work certificate in Turkey plays a vital role in validating an individual’s employment history and experience. It serves as an official document issued by the employer, containing essential information about the employee’s tenure, role, and contributions within the organization. Whether for job applications, visa processes, or other professional endeavors, this certificate holds significant value and is regarded as a crucial aspect of the employment relationship in Turkey.

Work certificate in Turkey Template

The person named ………………………….., with the SSI registration number …………………………., carried out the work …………………………………… between ………………… and …………………………………….

This document has been prepared in accordance with Article 28 of the Labour Law No. 4857. (Date)

                                                                                              Authorized Signatures

I have received a copy in person/read and informed.

Employee/Name Surname/ Date/ Signature