
Providing Information on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Turkey

Empowering Inclusion: Providing Information on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Turkey

In Turkey, as in many countries worldwide, the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workforce is a crucial aspect of fostering diversity, equality, and social integration. However, despite efforts to promote inclusive employment practices, individuals with disabilities still face significant barriers to entering and advancing in the workforce. Providing comprehensive information on employment opportunities and support mechanisms is essential to address these challenges and create a more inclusive society.

Understanding the Landscape

According to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), there were approximately 8.7 million people with disabilities in Turkey as of 2020, constituting a substantial portion of the population. However, the labor force participation rate among persons with disabilities remains comparatively low, highlighting the need for targeted interventions to enhance their employment prospects.

Legal Framework and Initiatives

Turkey has made significant strides in enacting legislation and implementing initiatives to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. The Law on Disabled Persons, enacted in 2005, prohibits discrimination based on disability in employment and mandates affirmative action measures to facilitate the integration of persons with disabilities into the workforce.

Additionally, the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR) plays a pivotal role in facilitating the employment of persons with disabilities through various programs and incentives. These include vocational rehabilitation services, job placement assistance, on-the-job training programs, and financial incentives for employers who hire individuals with disabilities.

Providing Information and Resources

One of the critical components of promoting the employment of persons with disabilities is providing accessible and relevant information on available opportunities and support services. This information dissemination can take various forms, including:

  1. Online Portals and Resources: Creating dedicated online platforms or portals that provide comprehensive information on employment opportunities, vocational training programs, support services, and legal rights for persons with disabilities.
  2. Awareness Campaigns: Launching awareness campaigns to educate employers, HR professionals, and the general public about the benefits of hiring persons with disabilities, dispelling myths and misconceptions, and promoting inclusive workplace practices.
  3. Collaboration with Stakeholders: Collaborating with government agencies, non-profit organizations, disability advocacy groups, and employers to develop and disseminate informational materials, organize job fairs, workshops, and training sessions, and foster partnerships to enhance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  4. Accessible Communication Channels: Ensuring that information is provided in accessible formats, including Braille, large print, audio recordings, and sign language interpretation, to cater to the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite progress in promoting the employment of persons with disabilities in Turkey, several challenges persist, including attitudinal barriers, lack of accessible infrastructure, and limited awareness of available support services. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from government agencies, employers, civil society organizations, and individuals alike.

Moving forward, it is essential to continue raising awareness, expanding support services, and fostering partnerships to create a more inclusive and equitable workforce for persons with disabilities in Turkey. By providing comprehensive information and resources, we can empower individuals with disabilities to realize their full potential, contribute meaningfully to the economy, and participate fully in society.

Number:                                                                                                         …./…./……..




In our workplace registered in your provincial directorate, the employment status of the disabled, ex-convicts and terrorism victims who applied with the selection made through the lists are shown below and the relevant documents have been submitted.

We are kindly requesting that action be taken in line with the selection made below to complete the deficiencies.

Mailing Address and Phone                                                      Authorized Signatures

                                               Disabled           Ex-convict        Terrorism Victim

Name Surname:

List No:

Other Information:

                                               Disabled           Ex-convict        Terrorism Victim


Not employed:


Rejection of Work:

Physical/Mental inadequacy:

Failure to fulfil the conditions:

Failure in the exam:

Not applied:



– Insured employment declaration

– Petition for refusal of work

– Minutes of non-application, etc.