Informing the Parent/Guardian about the Employment of Children and Young Workers in Turkey

In Turkey, the employment of children and young workers is a critical issue that demands attention from both governmental bodies and societal stakeholders. While child labor is strictly regulated by law, ensuring compliance and awareness among parents and guardians remains a challenge. The welfare and development of children and young workers are paramount, requiring comprehensive…

Monthly Personnel Status Schedule in Turkey

The Monthly Personnel Status Schedule in Turkey is a vital administrative tool utilized by organizations across various sectors to manage their workforce effectively. This comprehensive schedule provides a detailed overview of personnel activities and status updates on a monthly basis, offering insights into employee attendance, leave requests, shifts, training sessions, and any other relevant personnel-related…

Protected Workplace Form in Turkey

The Protected Workplace Form in Turkey serves as a vital document in ensuring the rights and safety of employees, particularly those with disabilities, in accordance with Turkish labor laws and regulations. This template provides a standardized framework for employers to assess and document the suitability of their workplace environment for individuals with disabilities, as mandated…

Application for Documentation of SSI Premium Incentive for Employing Disabled in Turkey

Number:                                                                                                                    …/…./……. Subject: PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY                                                                                                           ………………………. ……………… (which is being processed in the file numbered ……………… in your Directorate / at ……………. address, ……………….. with the title ………………..) ………………… (although we are not obliged we employ ……….. disabled – ………. ex-convict- …………. Victim of terrorism/on quota …………. Disabled-, ………….…

Registration to the institution in the employment of disabled persons not through the institution in Turkey

In Turkey, registration to an institution for employment of disabled persons not through the institution represents a significant step towards fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities within the workforce. For individuals with disabilities, accessing meaningful employment opportunities can often be challenging due to societal barriers and discriminatory practices. However, registering for employment outside of specialized institutions…

Providing Information on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Turkey

Empowering Inclusion: Providing Information on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Turkey In Turkey, as in many countries worldwide, the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workforce is a crucial aspect of fostering diversity, equality, and social integration. However, despite efforts to promote inclusive employment practices, individuals with disabilities still face significant barriers to…

Identification and Requesting Disabled People in Turkey

In Turkey, the identification and support of disabled people are integral components of the nation’s commitment to fostering inclusivity, equality, and social welfare. Recognizing the diverse needs and challenges faced by disabled people, the Turkish government has implemented various initiatives aimed at effectively identifying and providing support to this segment of the population. Central to…

Request for Lists of Disabled People in Turkey

The request for lists of disabled people in Turkey is a sensitive issue that intersects with various ethical, legal, and social considerations. Such requests may stem from government agencies, non-profit organizations, or research institutions seeking to gather data for statistical analysis, policy development, or resource allocation purposes. However, the collection and dissemination of information about…

Application and Request Petition for Employment of Disabled in Turkey

Number:                                                                                                         …../…../……… Subject: PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY                                                                                                           …………………………… …………………….. established in the province of …………………….., resident at ……………………., working with the title ……………… and ……………………… production (sales) ………………… (continuous / ……………..sustained / seasonal ………………….. (private / public) sector ………………… (in our workplace / workplaces) ………………. (number of workers / total number…